Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Well right now I am doing something that, until quite recently, I never thought I’d find myself doing.  Namely that I am writing a blog post.  Blogging always seemed overrated to me and I never thought that, with everyone and their grandmother blogging, anyone would ever want to read my stuff.  So I guess we’ll have to see whether or not I was right.  But for now, here I go.

 My name is Becca but some of my friends call me Beccers.  To be honest though, I’ll really answer to anything.  I once answered to the name Amber, actually, that was less than a week ago..... anyway... moving on.... There are so many things that I like to do so I’ll try to keep the list short.  I like kayaking, camping, and cycling.  I like gardening, well actually I just like getting free food from my garden, I couldn’t care less about weeding.  I like art. I mean, I better like art, I do have an art major in college right now. I like baking, it’s like art that I can eat and the only down side is having to clean up afterward.  My favorite thing to bake would be desserts, probably raspberry pie, which I just discovered the amazingness of yesterday.  My favorite movie is “The Hobbit” with the LOTR trilogy in a close second and all other movies far behind.  My favorite tv show is BBC “Doctor Who”  so in case you are wondering, yes, I am a nerd, I even play Portal (the cake is a lie.)  I also enjoy going on adventures with my friends.  But what’s most important about me is that I am a follower of Christ, not on twitter but in real life.   

In case you are wondering, the name “The Phoenix Flame” is symbolic.  Phoenix is symbolic for my faith.  The Phoenix is associated with life from death which describes my Savior who rose from the grave.  It also describes my story.  Phoenix can also symbolize coming close to destruction and rising again which is what I did about 3 ½ years ago now.  I had hit my head hard enough to cause my brain to bleed badly.  I was rushed to the hospital and the doctor told me that he was an atheist but it was a miracle of God that I hadn’t died in under 5 minutes.  I owe my life entirely to God and his ability to heal, not just physical wounds but emotional ones as well.  The symbolism for the flame part is pretty simple.  Flame symbolises passion and I am passionate about what I will be writing about, which will be mostly cooking tips, gardening advice, crafting ideas, and maybe the occasional adventure on which I find myself.  And that’s all I got for now, but I’ll be sure to post something else soon.


  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere Becca. After reading this post, I think you'll fit in just fine. I can tell that from the way you write.

    Blogging becomes a way of life. Trust me, I've been doing it since 8th grade and I've had so many different blogs. I have three blogs that I currently write on.

    When you mentioned "The Phoenix Flame," all I could think of was Fawkes, which is Dumbledore's phoenix in Harry Potter, but I know that you may not know about that unless you've finally succumbed to watching Harry Potter. That's addictive too, but I digress. I think the symbol you have is quite awesome and so amazingly true of your life.

    By the way, I miss you. That should not sound weird at all because you know who I am and I better see you at church this week or else...I don't have an "or else." I'm just trying to sound threatening.

    Ok bye!

    1. ya, I don't watch Harry Potter, even tho there are plenty of people who are trying to get me to watch it.
      And I'll probably be at church this sunday, sorry for my absence, I was SO tired after family camp
